Veliky Novgorod

Veliky Novgorod is the ancient Russian town that was first mentioned in 859. In medieval time it was the largest centre of international Commerce and was the only Hanseatic town of Russia. The town was famous for its richness and glory that later it took the name “His Majesty Lord Novgorod the Great”. Today the town is the largest cultural centre with great number of architectural and archaeological monuments’ thus according to the decision of UNESCO of 1992 the town is a part of the World Heritage.
The major economic fields of the town are chemical industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking, wood processing industry and food industry, as well as radio electronics. Veliky Novgorod is famous for its State University. Besides, the town hosts a branch of the Northern-west Academy of State Service (St. Petersburg), a branch of University of Economics and Finance (St. Petersburg) and Moscow Humanitarian University.
Annually the city holds Days of Slavonic Culture and written language, the Town Day, “Russian Music” and “Russian winter” festivals, folklore celebrations in the Museum of Wooden Architecture, as well as art exhibitions, international sport events and competitions.